Stepping Into Your Power
– Reclaiming Your Feminine Essence

Course Description

In this course I will take you by the hand and lead you into deeper levels of self knowing.  You will be experientially introduced to yourself as home and to your body as sacred space by reclaiming your feminine essence.  

Over 2 weeks we will journey together and I will take you through a series of meditations and exercises to get to know your own sacred power, develop a deeper knowing and understanding of yourself, and cultivate an intimate relationship with your body.

We will work together to:  

  • discover and experience your Feminine Essence
  • discuss why it is important and how you’ve been missing out   
  • understand the Divine Feminine energy and how to work with it
  • connect with your body as your sacred temple and  nurture relationship with it
  • heal old wounds, clear and release old energies that do not serve you
  • dive deep into your essence and strengthen your connection to it
  • empower you to tap into your essence any time you like
  • show you how to bring your feminine power into your daily life

When you sign up for this course you will immediately begin your journey. I believe you will find getting to know yourself on deeper, more meaningful levels will be one of the most satisfying things you ever do. 

Every day for two weeks a new lesson will arrive in your inbox.  You will want to give yourself 20 minutes or more to explore your lesson. It is best to give yourself this time without distraction so you can dedicate your full attention to your process. You deserve the very best! I look forward to journeying with you.